Sunday, August 11, 2013

Summer Cottages

July 29:
  As far as the announcements, nothing has changed. Waiting for orders from Salt Lake. Getting out of bed is easy. Staying awake during morning prayers can be tricky if I take too long. Usually I'll say a quick one right as I wake up, then say a longer one before studies when I've got some momentum. Smiling is easy with elder Jones. Our personalities match so well, it's scary.

I had a nice chat with president Scott on Friday. I asked him what he thought I needed to do to improve. Basically he said let everything from home go, but family. It's okay and healthy to think about family, just don't dwell outside of that. Something about not having a summer cottage in Babylon. Which is hard because this lake is super smooth and huge and no one is ever out there so it would be perfect for wake-boarding. (so when we all come up to visit here someday, it might be a good idea to bring a boat ;))

There's a talk called "the consecrated missionary" that has been on my mind a lot lately. I want to be better than I am. And I'm using every tool I can find to get there. I also think about President Packer's piece on teaching by the spirit. 

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