Friday, May 24, 2013

Earthquakes, Tornados, Daylight... Wild Weather in Canada

Some of you may have noticed that this week's letter did not come on it's normal monday. This is because Monday was a Canadian national holiday so all the stores were closed so President decided to bump P day to Wednesday, today. sorry I'm late.
This week's adventures mostly include stories of homesickness... but that's boring and over. Let's talk about fun stuff, eh?
Matthew and Mark have done lovely jobs keeping me up to date on various sporting activities across the world. BUT they FAILED let me say it again FAILED to keep me updated on MY sport. For those who don't know, there have been unconfirmed reports that Michael Phelps will return to the lanes and go for a threepeat in Rio de Janero in 2016! Matt, Mark. Repent Ye! Thus saith thine elder brother! If ye love me, Keep me updated on these things!!!... that is all. I know you would've gotten around to it. I was just excited and had to share my excitement. Love you two. Hope that made you laugh because that was all it was intended to do.
Last week was crazy. We picked up four new investigators! One lady we're particularly excited about is called Lucy.
Lucy only has about two years left to live. Max. She had stomach cancer so bad that her entire stomach had to be removed. She is catholic but I'm told that she is very promising. (I haven't met her yet, first meet was while I was away on exchanges.) She accepted a date to be baptized June 16. Odds are she'll hit it. Call me an optimist.
Other than that, I don't remember a whole lot.. It's been too long...
Hillary requested a funny story. Here it goes...
I don't remember which day it was, but there was an earthquake here last week.
We were sitting having personal study time and I was bouncing my knee. Like I always do when I sit. The floor started shaking, so Elder Binford kind of half-told me to quit bouncing my leg or the man downstairs would get upset with us. So I stopped... But the floor didn't. It wasn't big enough to do much more than make the clocks on the walls shake or rattle some dishes. But it was definitely an earthquake. Apparently they're fairly common up here. Either way. We panicked. We were like, "that was just a foreshock, we gotta get downstairs and find an open field! Hug the walls hug the walls!" we looked like proper fools haha.
Apparently Tornados are fairly common up here too. We almost had one yesterday. Lots of rain, really dark. Lightning. Hail. Temperature drops... Close, but no cigar. Maybe next time.
Maybe one of my less favorite parts about canada is how long the sun is up. It gets light at around 3:45 am and doesn't get dark until 9:30. So every morning we wake with the sun, go back to sleep, panick that we over slept, then fall back asleet again. I usually have more than just one morning prayer.
Played Hockey for the first time on saturday. Got stomped by a 12 year old. He's crazy good though...
Other than that, I don't know what to tell you. Enjoy the pictures.
I love you all and hope that all is well down south!
T the Elder.

*Note: He was not able to include any pictures. He will send his SD card home and i will post some later*

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