Monday, May 6, 2013

Todays letter sponsored by the letter B for Bold

Family and friends,

Firstly, a word about my companion. He played soccer in california. Was really good. His team beat LA Galaxy's academy team. He could play at a few different college schools, but he wants the Y. He was a missionary before he was a missionary. Back in Fresno Cali, there was a missionary who went home, they needed a replacement, so for a few weeks, Elder Binford got to work as a Fresno Missionary. Spent a lot of time with Larry Gelwix. Color me green and call me jealous. That's most of what I know about him, because that's most of what he talks about. He's a good guy.

Also, Persians have it rough. There are quite a few here and some of the stories that they tell make me shudder. That's all I'll say about that, maybe some other time.

On tuesday we had Zone conference. Basically a ton of meetings about how to be better missionary's. Learned a lot. The best part was that I got to see Elder Karl! Elder Karl was supposed to be my MTC companion, but there was a difficulty in another companionship and we didn't get the pleasure. But luckily at the MTC, your companionship is basically your district. You go everywhere with each other, and he and I hit it off like Babe Ruth and a baseball bat. So we had an emotional reunion. (He's an emotional guy) Nice long chat. Turns out our MTC district leader had to go home for health reasons... Sad stuff. But that is all from Zone Conference.

The rest of the week was basically just work. We stopped by a potential investigator we had run into while I was away on exchanges, she agreed to listen to us again so that makes her investigator number 3! This is our problem, so many potentials, but so few are convenient enough to run into again.

A big thing that I learned this week was how to be Bold. We were talking to a lady outside of her house when a bigger fellow walked by, turned, looked at us and said, "are you guys the mormons?" "yes sir, we are" "awe, that's terrible" He then proceeded to rip on us saying, "I'm not trying to de-convert you or whatever" "yeah right" (that's what I thought) "but I actually kind of am" (humph, there it is). He kept insisting on us giving him proof, we said the bible and BOM are our proof, "unfortunately that is invalid" he spoke like a computer, but was pretty thick i'm sorry to say. So, I got bold, bore my testimony, gave him a card told him he could get a copy of the book of mormon on there and if he ever wanted to talk, we would be around. Said our good day sir's and bid adieu.

Later that night I looked up Bold in Preach My Gospel. It gave a reference to Alma, talking about after Alma and the sons of Mosiah had served missions. They were reunited and Alma was super happy because they were still bretheren in the lord. It then goes on to talk about how the sons of Mosiah had converted many through the spirit because of the boldness of their words. I figure, if it works for them, why not me.

So, we went to visit a less active lady and were trying to set up a time where we could come back and visit. She kept dodging our suggestions and I decided that the only reason we wanted another visit was so we could get her to come to church. Which is interesting because during dinner we had listened to a talk by Elder Bednar called something like, "and none shall offend them" He talks about how he sould bring less actives back to church. He was super bold when he did it. So I was inspired. So as we were trying to set up another time to meet with this lady, I said, "Or you could come to church and we'll see you there." To which she agreed. She didn't come to church, but I was bold.

Since all of these experiences, I have noticed myself being more bold with my testimony, not quite for my teachings but we'll get there. It's payed off so far!

That's most of what I wanted to talk about. Just know that I love you all, Canada is deceptively warm. (I thought it would be rather cool since we're north-ish) and I will see you all in about 22 fast sundays! :)

Elder T

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