Sunday, June 30, 2013

Looking Forward to the Future!

Recently, I have been wondering about how well I am really recieving personal revelation. I was concerned that because I wasn't having strong feelings or hearing voices that I wasn't doing a good job listening. I realized that the spirit speaks by a "still small voice" sometimes, I think that it's me thinking something, but now, I'm not so sure... The point is, for me, i think that wether it's the spirit saying it to me, or me saying it to me as long as it's in line with God's will, it doesn't matter who it came from. But if the thought gives me a bad feeling or even just slight ehhh, maybe not. Then not to do it. It seems simple, "still small voice" but that's the beauty of the gospel. It's simple.
So, this sunday Elder Binford and I will be baptizing a Russian couple named Alex and Marina. They have been prepared so well that Elder Binford jokes that a donkey could teach them. haha. Our first lesson with them was last thursday and they have recieved all of the necessary lessons. All that We're waiting on, is time. They had us over for dinner and fed us Galupsi. Which is not how you spell it, that's how the russian name of it sounds that I can't really spell because I don't speak Russian. It means stuffed cabbage leaf. Maybe one of the weirdest things that I've eaten so far.
Also, we are teaching a lady named Hoda, she will be baptized on the 30th. She is persian so that is tricky. If they convert from islam to Christianity, it means big trouble for family back in Iran and possibly for her. So, we can only teach her on sundays when she comes to church so we will be teaching her basically everything but the restoration next sunday. More on her when I know more about the situation. It's a good story.
Other than that, We're just doing work. I hope all is well with all of you, and I'm sorry but time is dwindling so I have to go.
Love you all Talk to you Soon!
Love, Elder T

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