Monday, June 10, 2013

Short week, but it was filled with shawarma!

Yes, it's true. I finally partook of the fruit of the shawarma tree of life. Elder Rowley says it's not as good as the Shawarma you can get in Toronto, but I have experienced that cultural phenome. I hope you're proud Matt.
Also, it has come to my attention that you children had a small competition as to whom I love the most being measured by number of paragraphs I wrote to you. You may have noticed that you all recieved equal amounts of paragraphs. So ha! I win.
It's only been four days since I last wrote, I can't say that too crazy much has happened.... Picked up two new investigators, did work. That's the life...
John is from columbia. His parents are members, but have fallen less active. He is the only one in his family who speaks any english. That's thanks to his wife. She was born and raised in Toronto, but her family is from portugal, so she speaks portugese. they both love what we teach and are very prepared. We hope to continue having powerful spirit there every time we teach. He is very in tune with the spirit and learn a lot from it, as well as us.
Make sure that Uncle John and aunt Michelle know that they've been in my thoughts and prayers. It wasn't hard to hear about what happened there. Canada almost seems more interested in what goes on in the states than they do here. Not a lot happens here ha.
Not a lot happened in four days, but I think I will close with this thought...
Every day is a step in a new direction. It's which direction you pick that counts. " for me and my house, we will serve the lord!"
Also, I learned that you can use fasts to make yourself better too. Not just fasting for others. Ammon and his brothers fasted and prayed to grow more bold and powerful, so I've been focusing fasts on myself a little bit more and I've seen a difference. Just something I wanted to pass on. It may be hard, but it's worth it!
Love you all much! I promise I'll have more stories next week!
Elder T

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